Electrical Connection Brings Warmth with IBEW Minority Caucus Coat Drive

ST. LOUIS – Bags and boxes of winter coats for children were delivered to the Hazelwood School District on Nov. 28, 2023 by the IBEW Electrical Workers Minority Caucus(EWMC) for its annual coat drive.  In all, 200 coats were delivered to the school, part of more than 600 coats given away regionwide this year in the 19th year of the EWMC charitable endeavor. The minority caucus is part of the Electrical Connection, a partnership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1 and the St. Louis Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).



“We are always looking to bring a little extra warmth to those who live in the communities we serve,” noted Sylvester Taylordirector of diversity, equity and inclusion for the Electrical Connection. “At the same, we hope we can inspire recipients of our coat drive to consider a career in the electrical trades and perhaps one ‘pay it forward’ by participating in one of our many community improvement programs.”


The annual coat drive was launched in 2004 by Taylor. Since then, the IBEW Minority Caucus has given away more than 15,000 coats to families in need, 13,000 of them new coats.



“We serve many families throughout the Hazelwood School District,” said Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart, Hazelwood School District Superintendent. “The hard work and generosity of the Electrical Connection and IBEW Electrical Workers Minority Caucus in its year-long coat drive is greatly appreciated and indicative of the supportive spirit in the Hazelwood School District Community.”


The Electrical Connection partnership will continue to distribute coats for children in need to various agencies throughout the winter.  


Taylor is already thinking ahead to 2024, which will mark the 20th year of the program. If you would like to support the coat drive, EWMC is looking for new coats or used coats in good condition that are appropriate for children up to the age of 18.  You can drop off coats at the IBEW Local 1 union hall at 5850 Elizabeth Ave. in St. Louis or you can send a donation to:

IBEW Electrical Workers Minority Caucus

C/O Sylvester Taylor

5850 Elizabeth Ave.

St. Louis, Mo.63110

Make the check out to “EWMC Coat Drive.”

The Electrical Connection partnership provides safe and reliable commercial, industrial and residential electrical construction, maintenance, repair and replacement services across Missouri, the nation and the world. It is an important resource for business and civic leadership for new technology, including disruptive technologies, advancing electrical and communication infrastructure.  Learn more at www.electricalconnection.org.