5 Home Energy Saving Tips for Spring

The long winter is finally over. That means we can finally pack away our bulky coats and start bringing out short sleeves. However, just because spring has sprung, doesn’t mean your energy costs need to follow suit. Save energy and money this season with these home energy saving tips.

  • Install Energy Efficient Appliances

    Old, outdated electrical appliances like refrigerators, ovens, dish washers, air conditioners, furnaces, washers and dryers can end up costing you a fortune on your electric bill. Get rid of those old appliances and upgrade to new, high-efficiency appliances and reap the benefits. Simply swapping out one of these many appliances can save you upwards of 10% or more on energy costs.

  • Seal Your Windows and Glass Doors

    Don’t let humidity and heat creep into your home through poorly sealed windows. Seek out these areas and apply caulk or weather stripping to close the gap. This will help take some of the pressure off your home’s heating and cooling system allowing it to run less to maintain your comfortable temperature.

  • Use Your Windows and Fans

    Instead of using tons of electricity by running your air conditioner, open a window and let the mild spring air naturally cool your home. Use this in combination with a fan to ventilate and cool your whole house. Pro tip: keep your windows open overnight when the air is coolest and in the morning close them up to keep your home cool all day long.

  • Swap Out Light Bulbs

    Get rid of all of your incandescent light bulbs and upgrade to one of today’s highly efficient options including LEDs, halogen bulbs and fluorescent lights. Additionally, turn lights off in areas of your home that aren’t being used to save even more energy.

  • Have an Energy Audit Done

    Perhaps the most important tip we can give you is to get a professional’s opinion on your home energy consumption. You can do this by having the Electrical Connection perform an energy audit to quickly asses your home’s electrical consumption and determine where your biggest offenders are and where you can stand to improve. Schedule an appointment with an Electrical Connection contractor for a custom energy audit.

We can help you improve your home by lowering your energy costs. We do this with valuable information, impressive services and by connecting you with the best electricians and electrical contractors in the greater St. Louis area. The Electrical Connection is a partnership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local One (IBEW) and the St. Louis Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). Use our Find a Contractor Directory Search to find the right electrical contractor for you and start saving money on energy costs today.

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